22 Apr 2022
by Dr Jane Townson

Homecare Association response to the CQC Local Authority Oversight Consultation

The Homecare Association agree that the voice of people using services is a vital consideration when considering Local Authority's performance in relation to social care. However, the voices of independent providers and careworkers are also key to get a full picture of how the Local Authority and ICS commissioning and behaviour is affecting user experience and the market and to understand systemic issues and how these affect outcomes for individuals.

The way homecare is commissioned and purchased is a major determining factor in the way state-funded care is provided. In turn, this has a significant influence on those receiving and giving care. It is unclear from the slides and video that CQC has thought about defining what good looks like in terms of commissioning and procurement of care. CQC has certainly not yet described the latter and does not appear to be proposing to analyse the impact of commissioning and procurement models on outcomes for people receiving services.

The care workforce plays a highly significant role in determining the experience of people receiving services and the quality of care. The way they feel they are treated by local authorities and the system more widely is a major influence and this also appears not to feature much in CQC’s thinking

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