03 May 2024
by Policy, Practice and Innovation Team

In CQC’s latest update (2 May 2024), the regulator refers to a blog by Chief Executive, Ian Trenholm, published on 26 March, which reflects feedback received around the new assessment approach and resulting changes.  The update also has news about a new CQC Regulatory Approach Advisory Group, see below.

Among the topics addressed in Ian Trenholm's blog are:

Quality statements

In response to feedback on the number of quality statements being used to assess services, and whether this means assessments, and therefore scores, are based on out-of-date evidence, the blog says ‘every service is different so the amount of work required to confirm or change a rating will vary depending on the starting position. When carrying out an assessment of a service that is either ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’ all quality statements under the key question that are rated ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’ will be reviewed'.

Frequency of assessments

CQC will be using feedback and data gathered during the period of transition and aim to publish timelines in the summer.

Relationships with providers

Dedicated relationship holders have been replaced by a new assessment team structure. CQC say there will always be someone a provider can contact and speak to who has knowledge about their service. This might not always be the same person, but knowledge will be shared across the team. CQC are reviewing how this team structure is working and will explain more about how to get in touch in the most effective way.

Clarity of guidance

CQC has created a new ‘guidance and regulation’ landing page, structured around registration, regulations, notifications, assessment, enforcement, and added an index page for assessment, with the facility for providers to download assessment content in pdf format.

Dates for the ‘last significant update’ have been added.

Provider portal

CQC is taking swift action to resolve initial issues following the launch and is working towards releasing more functionality and improvements in coming weeks.

In addition, in the update, CQC is calling for feedback on:

  • Whether the above blog adequately reflects providers’ feedback, comments and concerns. Survey.
  • Providers’ experiences of preparing for and the new assessment itself. Survey.

CQC’s new engagement forum

CQC is setting up a CQC Regulatory Approach Advisory Group to meet at least 6 times a year, first meeting 21 May from 10-11am, for providers to give feedback on the new assessment approach.  Expression of interest form. CQC would like as many people as possible to have the opportunity to join this group.

CQC has invited our Policy Specialist, Terry Donohoe, to join the new engagement forum and so we will continue to represent members’ interests there.  If members have any issues they would like us to take up, please email [email protected].

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