05 Feb 2024
Closing date: 12 Feb 2024

Climate Risk and Adaptation in Social Care in Wales

The recently published Climate Change Committee’s report, Adapting to Climate Change: Progress in Wales, set out recommendations for the health and social care sector to develop a long term, cross sector approach to address risks, to develop a health and social care indicator suite and to ensure a joined up approach between mitigation and adaptation. 

Local Partnerships has been appointed to support the Adaptation Project Board to undertake an assessment of cross-sector readiness across the health bodies in Wales to embed climate risk assessment and adaptation planning into both the delivery of health care and for the improvement of health outcomes. An adaptation toolkit will be developed, with training and guidance material alongside the development of health and social care indicators. 

They are seeking engagement from care providers in order to co-create the adaptation toolkit.

The survey is available here: Background Information : Adapting to Climate Change in Wales: Social Care (smartsurvey.co.uk)

And will close on 12 February 2024.

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